Legislative Advocacy & Policy Information
Attend the Business Session to Vote on the 2022 Policy Agenda
Saturday, November 13
11:00 a.m.
Chatham Ballroom
Georgia county officials will vote to approve the 2022 ACCG Policy Agenda which encompasses the association’s Guiding Principles, Legislative Priorities, and Policy Objectives. The Policy Agenda guides the association’s advocacy efforts before the Georgia General Assembly and Congress. ACCG encourages every county to appoint a voting delegate to ensure their county’s voice is heard. The business session will take place on Saturday, November 13 at 11:00 a.m. Be sure to complete the voting delegate form by Tuesday, October 19 and return it to Tottianna Davis via email (tdavis@accg.org). Click here to access the voting delegate form.
Click here to access the voting delegate form.
Voting Delegates Credentials Pick-Up Information
*More to come.*
Overview of Proposed Policy Agenda
Saturday, November 13
10:15 a.m.
Chatham Ballroom
The ACCG policy team will provide an overview of the 2022 Proposed Policy Agenda as approved by the ACCG Policy Council. Attend this session as a precursor to and to engage in informative dialogue before placing your county’s vote during the Business Session.
The ACCG policy team hosted a webinar where they provided an overview of the 2022 Proposed ACCG Policy Agenda. Conference attendees may review the webinar here to prepare for the business session.
*More to come.*